Saturday, October 30, 2010

Man Utd vs. Tottenham highlights

Nimanja Vidic scored a wonderful header from Nani's well struck freekick in the last minutes of the first half. during the last 10 minutes of the game , a bizzard thing happened. Gomez, Tottenham's goalkeeper thought he had a freekick thinking Nani was ofside. Nani came in behind him knowing its not a freekick and simply struck the goal to the back of the net. First the goal was canceled then it was put up again. So, its Man Utd 2 - Tottenham 0 .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stoke City 1 - Man Utd 2 Highlights

Chicharito scored in the 27'th minute with the back of his head for Man Utd to give United the lead for the first half. During the last 70'th minutes of the match Tunacy the turkish player came on as a substitute and scored the draw goal for Stoke. Chicharito came in again to score in the 86'th minute for Man Utd and to give them the lead. So , its Stoke City 1 - Man Utd 2.

Stoke City vs. Man Utd

Even though Tuncay scored for Stoke and tied the game for a while , CHICHARRITTOOO came in and continued Evra's shot to score for Man Utd in the 86'th minute. So its Stoke City 1 - Manutd 2.

Stoke City vs. Man Utd

CHIICHHARRITTOOO scores with the back of his head from Nani's sweet corner. Its Stoke 0 - Manutd 1.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ManUtd 2 - West Brom 2

3 points slipped away from united as westbrom was statisfied with one point. What a game , great first half yet a very bad second one.

Manutd vs West Brom

CHHHIICHHAAACCCHHIICHHAARITTOOO scores in less then 10 minutes for manutd to give the reds the lead in the first few minutes of the first half. NNANNII scores in the 25th minute for manutd beautifully. So its manutd 2 west brom 0.

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